Need family or other important print photos or documents scanned and saved digitally?
Do you need photos or documents scanned and saved digitally to share or save to the Cloud or your PC?
Scanning up to 8.5" x 24" with lighting & color correcting, saved onto a USB drive in JPEG format.
Family photos and documents such as legal papers, are an important part of your, or a loved one's history. Be they in boxes or scrapbooks, things happen - it's wise to have a backup before they may get lost in a natural disaster, misplaced or faded any further.
*** Free pick up and delivery in Central & Lower Bucks ***
Affordable, and your security assured. USB drive included. Minimum 25 scans.
One to two week turnaround.
25 scans * $45 / 50 scans * $80 / 75 scans * $115 / 100 scans * $150 / 100+ : custom quote
Please make payment to: bellacasaphotography via Paypal.
You do not need to have a Paypal account yourself.
Debit and credit cards are accepted for payment in Paypal after you receive your invoice.
Please make checks out to: Celeste Oliver. Thank you!
Scanning up to 8.5" x 24" with lighting & color correcting, saved onto a USB drive in JPEG format.
Family photos and documents such as legal papers, are an important part of your, or a loved one's history. Be they in boxes or scrapbooks, things happen - it's wise to have a backup before they may get lost in a natural disaster, misplaced or faded any further.
*** Free pick up and delivery in Central & Lower Bucks ***
Affordable, and your security assured. USB drive included. Minimum 25 scans.
One to two week turnaround.
25 scans * $45 / 50 scans * $80 / 75 scans * $115 / 100 scans * $150 / 100+ : custom quote
Please make payment to: bellacasaphotography via Paypal.
You do not need to have a Paypal account yourself.
Debit and credit cards are accepted for payment in Paypal after you receive your invoice.
Please make checks out to: Celeste Oliver. Thank you!